EPSRC Roadmap on Optical Spectroscopy

The IRDG were asked to be involved in gathering information on the current use of Raman and IR instrumentation in the UK (both academically and industrially) by the EPSRC.

The IRDG have been asked to host the draft Roadmap document on its website for comment by the vibrational spectroscopy community and this can be accessed via the following link: EPSRC Roadmap Final

The aim of this survey was to produce a picture of the optical spectroscopy landscape within the UK research sector both academically and industrially. This covered all levels of instrumentation capability from high end to hand held portable systems. The data from the survey has now been analysed and will be presented to the EPSRC as part of their roadmapping exercise to better understand the future needs for investment in cutting-edge and underpinning equipment to support world-leading physical science and engineering in the UK.

However, before final submission, we are now inviting comments and feedback on the document from the community. The deadline for responses is 15th January 2016. NOW CLOSED.

Best wishes
Karen Faulds

Date posted: 
Friday, 11 December 2015